always a work in progress

This is the blanket statement I apply to the content on my site and the projects I create. I work on my site almost daily and often rewrite entire parts of it. I make no guarantees around the longevity of my content (links, images, etc) or reliability. This is in part tied to my attachment to the idea that identity is always evolving. What represents us now will not necessarily represent us in the future. I want to make a clear statement to myself that I can (and should) leave behind work that I no longer resonate with.

This blog is a contemplation of my self, past, future and present. I want this site to be a living document that memorialises who I am, believe and represent myself as at each point in my life.
I'll include some screenshots of this site maintained by my former selves.

For a long time it was just blank, I felt my life was too pedestrian and my work boring and inadequate. Any talk of myself would just be narcissistic monologuing.

some text

Then I wanted to make a fast, lightweight, brutalist blog.

some text

This was the javascript framework evolution. I ditched the notion of a tiny website and decided to embrace the turing complete life.
some text

I got a bit better at CSS and decided to update my homepage once again
some text

What it looks like April, 2023
some text